Shingles are common, but what is shingles caused from?
You can say that shingles are the reactivation of the chickenpox. They occur because of the varicella-zoster virus – the same culprit that causes chickenpox. People who have suffered from chickenpox are likely to develop shingles. When a person recovers from the chickenpox, the varicella-zoster gets into the nervous system, which allows them to travel from nerve to your skin.
But it doesn’t mean that everyone who suffers from chickenpox can have shingles. The primary reasons for the shingles are still unknown, but it can occur due to the weak immune system. In addition to weak immune defense, growing age can also increase the risk of developing Shingles; it is common in older adults.
Early Shingles Symptoms
The following are the five warning signs the can lead to shingles.
1. Rash
Ugly rashes on the body can be a potential symptom of Shingles. They are almost similar to chickenpox, because of the identical virus. It also includes blisters filled with fluid, localized to one part of the body. The localization occurs because they affect localized nerve roots. Mostly, you can find these rashes on the back, neck, chest, and buttocks. This is because these places have clusters of nerves.
2. Numbness or Sensations
Numbness or Sensations
Numbness or sensations is also one of the early shingles symptoms. Many patients report having tingling feelings before the shingles. This numbness or sensation occurs in the same area where later rashes develop. These sensations can be painful because it is sensitive to touch, and you may feel burning and itching in the affected area.
3. Nausea
This is one of the early shingles symptoms that people don’t understand. Mostly, people think that they are having nausea because of something they drink or eat. This symptom leads to stomach pains, diarrhea, and a feeling of vomiting. You can find it different from flu because before the shingles outbreak, you don’t usually get a fever. This is the main difference between them.
4. Vision Problems
Vision Problems
If the virus of this disease gets into the nerves of the patient’s eyes, vision complications such as impairments can occur. They may start to feel sensitivity to light, which can be extremely painful. In severe cases, the shingles virus may lead to conjunctivitis or pink eye. If you feel these symptoms, you need to go straight to the doctor because if you don’t treat them early, you can have permanent vision loss.
5. Fatigue
Fatigue is another common sign of the shingles, which people mistake as a symptom of flu. Before the outbreak of shingles, you can feel extreme and continuous fatigue. Unfortunately, people treat this symptom by consuming caffeine, which only dehydrates your body and intensifies fatigue. In rare cases, patients with shingles feel extreme confusion and can suffer from temporary memory loss. You should take this problem seriously and run towards the doctor to save you from getting into more problems.
Bottom Line
Now that you have learned about the causes and early shingles symptoms, if you think you have any of the symptoms mentioned above, then you must go to the doctor as early as possible.