10 Things to Avoid to Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Cancer is a disease that affects millions of people each year. While there are many efforts taken to help people treat cancer, prevention is key.
The following are 10 things that you may want to avoid in order to reduce the risk of cancer.

  1. Meatmeat1No matter how tasty it may be, consuming meat can increase your chances ofdeveloping cancer. Meat, especially packaged varieties such as lunch meat and hot dogs, contain nitrates which have been proven to cause cancer. Likewise, when meat is cooked at higher temperatures such as grilling compounds such as PAHs are released which can also increase the risk of cancer. It’s better to reduce or cut out the meat consumption altogether if you want to reduce your chances of getting cancer.
  1. HPV vaccineThe human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted virus that often goes undetected but can potentially cause cancer. While HPV is one of the most commonly spread sexually transmitted infections, not everyone that contracts this virus will develop cancer. To decrease the cancer risks associated with this virus, it is important to use condoms and if necessary vaccinate to prevent the spread of this virus.
  1. Commercial Deodorantsdesodorant2Many commercial deodorants and antiperspirants contain ingredients such as aluminum that can cause cancer. The underarm area is quite sensitive as this is where lymph nodes are located. The ingredients in common deodorants are absorbed directly into the lymph system. Over time, these cancer causing substances can wreak havoc on the body. Consider one of the many natural deodorant options on the market or make your own deodorant.
  1. Cell Phones
  2. cellphoneEveryone has a cell phone nowadays, but it is believed that cell phones give off the same radiation waves as microwaves. Holding cell phones close to your head all the time may result in the formation of cancerous cells. Thus, it is best to use cell phones as needed or invest in a hands free device.
  1. Artificial SweetenerssweetenerThese sweeteners may have fewer calories than their natural counterparts, but it appears that artificial sweeteners are actually worse for you. Studies completed on rats reveal that consuming artificial sweeteners is likely to cause cancerous growths. No studies on humans have proven this to be the case, but it is always better to be safe than sorry.
  1. FluoridetoothThis chemical is placed in everything from tap water to toothpaste, and it is best to avoid it to reduce the risk of cancer. Even though studies show no link between fluoride and cancer, using products that contain this chemical may have adverse effects on your health. Thus, it’s best to steer clear of the fluoride if at all possible.
  1. Power Lines Power-TransmissionPower lines as well as any other device that transmits or uses electricitygives off extremely low frequency (ELF) radiation. This radiation could potentially have a negative effect on your health in the form of cancer. Thus, it is best to neutralize the effects of power lines and other electrical devices in your environment by keeping a safe distance. For example, don’t sleep with your cell phone right next to you.
  1. Air Pollution contaminationIt is no wonder that smog-filled, unbreathable air has the potential to cause cancer. Most people live in urban environments where poor air-quality is the norm. Both lung and bladder cancers have been linked to polluted air. To reduce the risk of cancer, avoid going outside on days when the air quality is at its worst.
  1. X-Rays xrayWhile they may allow doctors to see what’s going on with your body, x-rays expose you to high levels of radiation that can cause cancer. The more radiation you receive the higher the risk of cancer. If at all possible, limit x-ray exposure to the bare minimal.
  1. Bottled Water waterWater is good for you, but the bottle that it is stored in may not be. It appears that many companies use bottles containing the chemical bisphenol (BPA). While it is believed that the cancer causing risks are low, if may be best to use glass or steel bottles to hold your water to reduce the risk of cancer.

Ultimately, eliminating small things that could increase cancer risks is highly advised.
